FLASHBACK: The Tale of Tina Peters, and The Dark Days Ahead for Whistleblowers
In preparation for her upcoming trial in March 2023, I am republishing my contemporaneous reporting of Tina's journey, written as it happened.
Originally published on August 18, 2021
Tina Peters is a gold star mom, a cancer survivor, a public servant, and a courageous whistleblower. And the rapidly unfolding events in Mesa County are making smoke coming out of my ears.

As the County Clerk and Recorder for Mesa County, Tina Peters is the official — duly elected by the people of Mesa County — in charge of elections, with official custody (and responsibility) for the election equipment and electronics. This is Tina’s first term as Clerk and Recorder for Mesa County, and there was some turmoil surrounding her taking office from her predecessor, Sheila Reiner, after the November election.
Months after the transfer of power, it was discovered that Ms. Reiner had (allegedly) retained, for herself and her staff, access to highly secure facilities for election equipment. Worse, she may have expanded this access to include additional unknown players right before leaving office. Some peaceful transfer of power, huh?
When Tina Peters brought this to Mesa County District Attorney Dan Rubinstein, Dan said, allegedly, that he didn’t have time to investigate the badge access evidence that Tina brought. Typical bureaucrat. Sheila then went on to participate in the effort to recall Clerk Peters. This lady has a major grudge.
But that was months ago. A mere tussle between clerks during a transfer of power, right?
Well, let’s look at recent news, shall we? In one week, Colorado Secretary of State Jonestown Jena (JJ for short), the partisan hack whose power drunkenness would make George III blush, has raided Tina’s office twice. The first was on August 11th and, considering the nature of the events, intent appears to be to doctor evidence and modify the machines with no observers present. Then on August 16th, it's rumored that JJ’s flying monkeys raided Tina’s office again to seize all the equipment. In between those two raids, Jena Grinchwald swung by the home of a private citizen and stole toys from children — literally.
What does JJ cite as her reason and authority? Her reason is that she alleges Tina stole passwords that Tina doesn’t have. She has no evidence of this, she just says it. And the authority she cites is, “because I said so.”
First on the passwords: Only Dominion and the Secretary of State have the passwords. We know this because of the months long drama in Arizona where they won’t release the passwords. Every person in America right now knows how tightly held those passwords are. What's more likely? That Dominion has different access rules across states for their super secret passwords, or that the standard in Arizona holds?
Tina Peters never had access to admin BIOS passwords.

JJ is alleging that during the scheduled Dominion software “update” — which was authorized by Jena and in which Dominion allegedly deleted files in violation of both federal and state election records retention laws, according the to comparison of forensic images pre- and post-update — that during this update, Tina authorized an infiltrator to watch and...steal passwords or something?
So let’s play this out: Dominion rolls into Mesa county with their snakeskin suits and seals of satan, and they go in to do this update. Tina’s guy is there, holding a crucifix if he knows what’s good for him, and then the Dominion guys, what? Flash passwords up on a screen? Super secret passwords that hold the keys to the kingdom and all its...dominion? See what I did there? But security is super important to them...but they flashed passwords on the screen with seven people there...but security is super important to the...
Sorry, I got stuck in a loop.
So that’s the story of the crazy-eyed, kool-aid peddling tyrant in Denver.
Another possible explanation, and I’m just spit balling here, is that the passwords were leaked by a Dominion whistleblower, like Ron CodeMonkeyZ Watkins said they were when he released them. I know — it’s crazy.
See, if the first scenario is true, then Secretary of State Griswold, the darling of the “make elections rigged again” movement, who pushes her gold standard nonsense on anyone who fell for the risk limiting audit snake oil in 2017, is squarely to blame.
And if that’s the case, then the Gold Standard narrative falls apart.
And if that’s the case Colorado gets an audit.
And if that’s the case, Colorado is exposed as the election fraud test kitchen of the nation.
And if that’s the case...checkmate.
So, now you see why Jena Griswold — and her many, many handlers at this point, let’s be honest — needed another narrative. So they concocted one.
FACT: Tina Peters never had access to the admin BIOS passwords.
And the admin passwords are the entire premise for Jena Griswold inserting herself into Mesa County and taking it over — I mean, coups are just their thing now, right?
Last week, before a room full of reptilians in skin suits, and probably some Dominion execs, Jena stood before the adoring, slobbering press, and her many handlers, and laid out this narrative. She provided no evidence. She spun mundane facts — like cameras being off when they are supposed to be off — into theories of espionage, and then she called on her little poodle to speak for all the clerks in the state. Except for Tina, of course, because if you will all now turn to page three in your “this is a PsyOp” playbook, you will see that Tina is now the Devil.
Whose the poodle, you ask? Well poodle is too nice. I’m talking about rat-faced, weasel man himself, Matt Crane. Matt Crane is the former Arapahoe County clerk and current unelected lobbyist who spends your tax dollars making elections less secure (mobile voting?) and brainwashing county clerks who are too oblivious to realize they’re being tricked into committing treason. Every year, your clerk writes Fat Cat Matt a big fat check for membership into the Colorado County Clerks Association (CCCA). This organization does nothing for the American people but the clerks aren’t paying dues out of their own pockets — this is your cash at work.
Here are the receipts for Chuckles Broerman, the half human, half ostrich clerk in El Paso County, Colorado.
The CCCA — previously led by Pam Anderson who sits on the board of Zuckerbuck’s Center for Tech and Civic Life and oils Zuck’s tin joints when it rains (probably) — only exists for one purpose: To surround clerks with uniparty donors and election vendors, and convince those clerks to join the Defraud the American People Club. I wanna make a joke here about Crane being the Tommy Lee to her Pam Anderson, but something is not quite right there.
Now, to be fair, I don’t expect all Clerks to be as sharp as Tina. Having met with many of them over the past several months, I can soundly say that those I’ve met are uninterested in election fraud and either too self-absorbed to understand what’s going on or too afraid to admit they know. We can’t expect this crowd to know when they are being turned into assets.
But I do expect them not to be traitors and, ignorance or not, they are making choices right now that don’t bode well in that respect.
Back to the rat-faced poodle, in between holding JJ’s handbag and playing fetch, microCrane is pimping out his old clerk creds to hawk election technology. Here is Crane on a sign pushing mobile and text voting technologies.
This photo was taken at last weekend’s Secretary of State conference in Des Moine, Iowa. Also, Crane’s wife works for Dominion — since it was Sequoia — and would likely have holdings in the company given her tenure. What’s Crane’s agreement with the poster makers? What kind of cut is he getting to push these extremely vulnerable, voter fraud-inducing technologies onto the people of Colorado? Also, did anyone in Arapahoe County know that you all were using these technologies? Curious.
Since we are talking about the Sons of Satan, eh hem, I mean Secretary of State conference, here is another little gem: Wayne Williams — the former CO SOS that installed Dominion in our state and, to much outrage and couple of triumphant lawsuits for the plaintiffs, tried to mandate its use — is a Senior Advisor with Runbeck.

Runbeck, you will remember, is the mail-in ballot company whose mail-in ballots didn’t scan in Tarrant County, TX during the November 2020 election. You know, the election that had no issues or challenges where everyone got to eat lollipops and ride a unicorn on the way to the polling centers. The election we aren’t allowed to talk about unless we want a mandatory suspension from our First Amendment rights. THAT election.
From the above article, “Damaged bar codes are not uncommon as people can damage them on their own, but last fall it happened in a big wave.” Huh, I missed when the media covered that story...

But this isn’t the first time Runbeck and Mesa County have converged. This is the company that printed inaccurate ballots for the 2014 elections in Palisade, CO, which wasn’t resolved until after Election Day. Then SOS Scott Gessler — Wayne Williams predecessor — said of the mess, “In Clerk [Sheila] Reiner’s haste to notify the public, some of the details changed, drawing more questions about what was really happening,” he said.
Oh, Sheila.
Runbeck is based in Arizona (yes, really) and used in several states including Colorado. This Williams guy was whoring himself out at the same conference as Crane last weekend, leaving his business cards all over for potential suckers. To recap, Williams works for an infamous election vendor, advises clerks, provides multi-hour filibusters for democrats during fraud hearings to delay real evidence until after the press leaves, serves on the Colorado Springs City Council, and is allegedly running for Mayor of Colorado Springs. His wife is one of the County Commissioners down there in El Paso County which proves once and for all that the uniparty establishment has zero issue with conflicts of interest. It’s like they don’t know what the words mean...and these people want to RULE us? AYFKM?
So now that you have a fuller picture of the players involved here, let’s talk about what happened yesterday, August 17, 2021. Jena Griswold announced that she was removing Tina — a duly elected official — from her election related duties. There is no presumption of innocence in the active investigation by District Attorney Dan Rubinstein, who finally woke up in time to eat lunch and investigate alleged wrongdoing in the clerk's office. Jena is said to be replacing Tina Peters with Sheila Reiner — yes, seriously — the former clerk who committed a security breach (allegedly) before leaving office by extending and expanding badge access to highly secure election equipment. Rubinstein couldn’t investigate that breach, where there was actual evidence via the badge access logs, but he has time to investigate a whistleblower on behalf of the people she is whistleblowing against. And Sheila Reiner is very much aligned with the people Tina is whistleblowing against. Nice ethics, Rube.
Matt Crane, never one to miss a romp in the garbage pile, praised JJ’s latest actions, and assured the public that his flock of baaahing clerks stands by it as well (and it appears they do because none of them are speaking up). Now, the guys who pretend to be on the “right” don’t want the appearance that they are aligning with Griswold outright — not good for uniparty optics — so they held a meeting to “push back” and are recommending that Runbeck’s Wayne Williams should run Mesa’s next elections. Yes, really.
Do you see it yet?
Who the hell do these people think they are?
FACT: Tina never had the admin passwords.
This is coup. Jena Griswold is framing Tina Peters to cover up a breach in the Colorado SOS office that led to admin passwords being released by a Dominion whistleblower. The entire premise for any of this is a lie. And the cover up is always worse than the crime.
Is there any justice left in the justice system, or is it tar and feathers time?
Thank you. Your courage has earned your mark in history and the debt of a nation. One day there will be parades and holidays in your honor for saving the Republic. I am honored to know some of you.
In those days, we won’t even remember those who don’t stand now. Their legacy will be lost, completely forgotten, as they rot behind bars or in unmarked paupers’ graves.
If you’re thinking about coming forward, we are a very forgiving nation to those who repent. It's not too late. Yet.
This is a developing story and additional details may be added.