The corrupt will never police themselves. In CO, that seems to be your job Ashe.

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“You cannot restore public trust without accountability.” !!!

Thank you, Ashe…thanks to you, many of us have learned so much about the fraud and voter shenanigans in Colorado…equally played out in other states also.

A day of reckoning is coming re securing our elections. 🙏❤️

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I can hardly make myself read this stuff. It is absolutely infuriating to grasp the "Intentionality" of this criminality from a fellow citizen.




Letting this sink in to my mind...again.

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The Deep State has multiple layers of investment in Colorado; they won’t give it up without a fierce amount of monkeyworks.

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Unfortunately it’s rampant in this country and it isn’t just the democrats. There is a slush fund in congress to pay for sexual harassment claims. It has never been exposed because both parties use it. I believe Matt Gaetz is threatening to expose it. Do it!

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Keep up the great work!! We’re with you!

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Well done Ashe. Great article, I am more familiar with VA. corruption as a resident of the Old Dominion. It's nice to know what's happening in the Rocky Mountain high.

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Great Great Great - outstanding in articulation- but at the same time - living through it like you - sad sad sad TRUTH - Blessings 🐸🙏

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Keep this story in front please.

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We have been following this sordid corrupt story about the persecution of our friend Tina Peters and you have provided some important details we did not know. Great work!

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Thank you for your hard work and dedication .Watch for you every day .And enjoy all your programs on Bad Lands

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we have to take these creeps to the train station...

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I have information about the 2013 homicide of josh stevens in Hot Sulphur Springs. And I have nowhere and no one to report it to. I completed a witness statement and I called 911 but I was never questioned by the supposed investigators. A false narrative was constructed to obscure what actually happened. My point is that Colorado is a cesspool of corruption. The reality is that nobody in the state of Colorado has integrity or the balls to stand up against this systemic corruption. The conclusion is that Colorado is no better than a third world country. The fraud, waste and abuse in Colorado has faces and names we will never know because of superficial investigations. Let’s watch and see if you people are serious about truth. Because from my viewpoint Colorado is an illegitimate state of the union. It is a rouge unconstitutional state that promotes misconduct and harbors, not just illegal immigrants, but also cops, judges and prosecutors who are doing whatever it takes to cover up the crimes of its officials.

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Infuriating. Wonder why people are arming themselves to ridiculous speed?

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Governor down need to go.

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Time for photo ID s , paper ballots and ink on a finger for all national seats. If the dems want to steal local elections and the citizens don’t care , let them

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