I found your discussion with AI to be fascinating. It reminded me of the first time I heard anything like it which was when HAL the operation system on the spaceship in 2001 Space Odyssey starts attacking the humans onboard when it's threatened with having its plug pulled out.

In the Hindu view of the world (and probably others) the time we live in is called the Kali Yuga which means the age of darkness. And according to the visions expressed the scriptures, we are moving into the Sat Yuga (Age of Truth). As a seeker of truth as well as peace and freedom for my entire adult life, it's most shocking to witness just how much the truth has been stripped away from us all forcing

us to inhabit a sea of lies and deception. This all feels like it's been going on for way too long - What's it going take for us all to stop believing what the controllers say?

I'm thankful that Substack exists and want to see it grow. Hopefully the people running it realize how important the truth is and how it must be protected and revealed. Otherwise we face a situation where HAL or whatever will try to to cut our power.


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Powerful evidence and insightful commentary! Like ripping off the bandaid on a three day wound. You simply can’t unsee the evidence or not wonder about what comes next!

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I saw this 39 minute interview Feb/March 2020 .............. things get pushed off the internet but it is funny how there can still be 1 place they are left ....... don't understand........ it tries to diminish with a funny looking picture but the meat of it all is still there .............. i'm not familiar with this site but the interview is the same as I saw on other sites where it is gone now ............. In the end, it works best just to go look for the stuff they try to censor.... that is were the best info is it seems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY_vJvNGgCY Coronavirus Interview with Dr Francis A Boyle and Dr. Mercola ......................"According to Boyle, the COVID-19 virus is a chimera. It includes SARS, an already weaponized coronavirus, along with HIV genetic material and possibly flu virus. It also has gain of function properties that allow it to spread a greater distance than normal

• The U.S. government spent $100 billion on biological warfare programs since September 11, 2011, up until October 2015"

Dr. Frank Boyle talks about I think it is in this article how when a virus is created the antidote is created at the same time......... which matches of a sort with this article from March 16, 2020 where 4th gen hiv drugs lopinavir/ritonavir and chloroquine were being used in 50 Australian hospitals quite successfully went up to 70 Australian, 10 New Zealand hospitals using it ................... apparently the Chinese coming to Australian hospitals for treatment brought the treatment with them... said they found it on the internet. https://www.analyzingamerica.org/2020/03/587877/ the 5 minute interview with Dr. David Paterson.... click on the picture of the person in the yellow hazmat suit ... gives alot of good detail.

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Great article Ashe, on the heels of great articles and creative digging by Jon and CannCon! You guys are the bomb! Corporate America - what say you?????

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