Thanks for writing this article!

As a former resident of Colorado Springs and El Paso County, now living in Montana near Bozeman, I read this article with great interest--and sadness to see that so many Republicans I knew were, in reality, members of the Uni-Party. I'm glad to hear the America First Team spanked them right smart.

Here in Gallatin County, home of Bozeman and Montana State University, I've been working with a number of America First candidates, all but one of whom lost in 2022, to address the "anomalies" in that election (to say nothing of Election 2020). To my surprise, they very quietly took over the Central Committee here. But then, Montana is not a caucus state, and the rules are different. Also, the population of Gallatin County is about 1/10th that of El Paso County.

We're now about to testify before the State Legislature's Joint Commission on Election Integrity to submit a report on the impact of CTCL Grants on Gallatin County, as well as a detailed proposal (based on my experience as an election judge in Colorado, as well as here) about how to fix our broken election system here. It should be interesting...

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We the people in Weld County are facing the same unAmerican GOP political machine. and sadly, the uniparty machine is still operating after our recent GOP county elections. Once again, at the last minute they sent out an evil 'hit piece' against Trent Leisy who was running against the GOP establishiment/'elitist' insider so Ashe's article uplifted us and gave us ideas on how to fight on. Thanks Ashe for great reporting! Keep it up! I subscribed. We are the life of the party and the country because we love our Creator, each other and our country.

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Keep fighting. We’re winning.

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For years I've been sending the real news to people around Coloardo and the country. I'll be sending your article out as a special edition. It will uplift freedom fighters in every county - showing what can be done. Blessings - Janet Lee

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Thank you, Janet!

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Thank you, Ashe! I was at the 2/11 County Meeting. I was there to witness the America First Spirit and the growth of the Grass Roots members in our County Party. To see our numbers outnumber theirs was exhilarating and thrilling. The establishment candidates had nothing to offer as their core values, beliefs and platform. It seemed their only consistent word was "unity". It seems that their definition of "unity" is to believe as they do and just shut up and obey what they say. Our County Republican Party stood and won for "We the People". It seemed to me that what our opponents intended for evil, God used for good. Sweet Victory. Praise God for the Victory.

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Love this article. For once we get to hear what the majority really thinks of Vickie Tonkins. The Gazette and hack so-called conservative radio like Richard Randall, and other news outlets like Newsbreak love to trample truth in favor of the lying establishment, citing that the establishment at least has decorum. I can see why though. Their rich sponsors want to continue their influence over one of the largest Republican counties in the US.

We are surrounded by a growing mentally ill ideology of the far left and we are corrupted within by Democrat and Establishment corporate money. El Paso County Republicans lost their way possibly decades ago as they became hardly more than the tool of liberal and establishment developers to get politicians and board members in place who would work for their corporate, real estate, and development money interests, not for the people. For instance, there has been no planning for water needs as development has exploded. Guess what? If you don't build it, they won't come. That's how you control and spread out moving populations to where there is enough water for them.

The way they have gotten away with it for so long is with the help of the establishment media which has painted a slanderous picture of Tonkins and kept the masses in the dark, never questioning developers. They've also spewed rhetoric like pro-life conservative speak, while voting with Democrats, who are clearly pro-death on every life bill. And they've thrown a bone or two to the public such as questioning a few of the tyrannical medical mandates handed down by the pro-death, economic killing, election stealing Polis. But don't worry, all will be blamed on the Secretary of State and health boards, so Polis can look shiny for his imminent 2024 Presidential run.

Meanwhile the establishment Republicans will wail that they are the more polished Christians and therefore obviously righteous. What they don't realize is that Jesus' people aren't shiny and polished. They are rough looking, often of meager to average means, not a fan of decorum over truth, and are passionate for Christ and Country. We are the Fly-Over Americans, the America First Americans, and as Vickie often likes to say, the life of the Party.

Now I get it. She had always meant the Life of the Republican Party. Without us, the Party would be just another tool of the ruling elite, who've been exposed these last two years.

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You nailed it!

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And congrats to Team America First!

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I’ve missed you not being on Conservative Daily!

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I’m always in the chat!!

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Our story from Berks County Pennsylvania. Our local committee talks America First, but it’s actions prove otherwise.

Thank you for sharing this story. It gives me hope and encourages me to keep going, as it’s been very frustrating and taken a toll on so many aspects of my life.


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Never stop. Don’t quit before the magic happens! 💪🏻🔥❤️

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This is happening NATIONWIDE!!! The new co-chair of the RNC, Drew McKissick (RINO), is doing these things here in South Carolina too. ;-) But #WeThePeople are winning there too. #ExposeThemALL!!!

Best, Jeff Davis Chairman, Greenville County Republican Party (SC). jeff@apogeetax.com 843-901-8036 (cell)



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This was a fantastic article. I don't abide weakness in leadership so I have never been a Republican. I have been voting Republican, but remain an Independent.

I am an Independent who can't be indoctrinated by either side. I have been studying this indoctrination that was sure to infect our youth when our "public servants" started allowing "donations" from adversarial countries in our educational system & their pockets, decades ago. There is even a reporting system but it hasn't been enforced. Last I checked China was second behind Qatar in largest donors.

They all work together against us. They have been pushing "interoperability" and "open source data sharing" in the UN between member states for years. After all, they want a "One World Government" so why wouldn't they be teaching our youth that it's okay to work with their foreign academic friends towards the greater good?

The Cabal owns all "novel" cybersecurity tech. There's no one hacking us except them for their various reasons. The set up, execution, and then forget about catching anyone as it's only brought up again as a reason for us to need the feds via CISA. All of it! All states "Critical Infrastructure" is turned over to the feds under the guise of cybersecurity.

These might be the only smart ones among us:


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This is REALLY great! Thank you for documenting and sharing this monumental win for Team America!

To Chairwoman Tonkins and all the Principled, Patriotic, Populists leading this fight, WAY TO GO!

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